Basic Linux Commands
ls -l : Format List this command will display all the details about the files and directories in the location, which include date,time of creation and access permission of files
cd .. will change our directory location to one location back
By simply typing cd command it will take our location back to root.
pwd: pressent working directory
This command will simply display the current working directory we ca use this command to copy the path
Touch :
Touch command will create the new files
Eg.Touch Hello will create new file hello
cp: Copy
cp command will create a file contect to another file
eg. cp file1 file2 will copy file1 content to file2
rm filename
rm command will remove file from the location.
eg. rm new.txt will remove new.txt file
rm -f filename will forcefully remove filename
rm -r directryname
this command will delete directories with the directory name
rm -rf directory will forcefully remove directories
cat :command will read content from file
eg: cat filename will dispaly file contents
cat > filename will allow user to enter new contents to file by removing old contents.
cat >new.txt will remove old contents in new.txt
cat >>new.txt
This command will allow user to enter new contents by with out removing old contents.
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