Thursday, July 30, 2020

Non Tech Hacking Methods That We Have To Aware off


 We all have heard about the word hacking hackers and all, we know that there should be a good technical knowledge to do hacking. But in this section am telling you about some methods that need no technical knowledge to perform hacking which you may have performed already.

Hacking Techniques that need Zero Knowledge 

1.Shoulder Surfing
3.Dumpster Diving
4.Tail Guarding 
5.Piggy Backing

Shoulder Surfing

By shoulder surfing you may not ring any bell, but when you understand what it is you will wonder that I have done it already.
Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder Surfing means that looking at some ones screen while they type there user_id & password.
We know that how disgusting someone do that to us.


This another type of non technical attack that many person have done in there daily life.
Eavesdropping is the method in which some one listen to a conversation between two people, this can be by direct listening or by wire tapping methods like listening to a telephone conversation through a parallel telephone.

Dumpster Diving

Dumpster Diving is another non technical method through which many people lost there data.
Dumpster diving is a method in which an attacker search for treasure in someones garbage.
Eg. "When we use ATM we can see there will be bin near by filled with receipts, you may also have used that, after checking the balance you may have thrown the receipt to that bin. And remember one this no data is small."

Social Engineering

You may confuse this as a high technical hacking method by hearing the Engineering
but this is the most common way many of you have get cheated.
Social Engineering can be said as the art of convincing people and exploiting the trust.

eg: Many of you have received a phone call  from a person claiming bank manager and asking for the account number and OTP coming to your mobile number.

Piggy Backing

Piggy Backing will not be problem to ordinary people but s person working in a well reputed company knows about this situation well.

I will explain with an example you know that currently key card is an authentication method used by many companies, one day when you are going to enter the office using the key card and suddenly a person coming to you and asking "Hi am new staff in this office but accidentally  I forget to take my ID card can you help to get in, if he a hacker or any unauthorized person with an evil intention yo will get fired.

So Piggy backing is the method in  which an unauthorized person getting help from an authorized person to get into the restricted area.


Piggy backing is similar to tail gating only difference is that in tail gating an authorized person is allowing  an unauthorized to get in. 

In Piggy backing unauthorized person gaining access with out knowledge of authorize person.


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